014: What lies on the other side of disorganization?
What's hidden beyond your disorganization? Perhaps an unsettling truth you've been avoiding. Think about it.

Hi Friend!
Organization is a huge topic for me right now.
In many different aspects.
Organizing my office and house, my computer, my photos, organizing the way I read and take notes of the books. Organizing my calendar and organizing my financial life.
I already possess a considerable level of discipline, and I believe that further organization will elevate me to the next level. Interestingly, the focus hasn't been only on creating structure and order for certain things. It's been a lot about recognizing the resistance and discomfort that comes from confronting disorganized elements.
A disorganized approach to life often includes inconsistent efforts, poor time management, and a lack of clear objectives.
It often results in going in circles. Instead of elevating your energy, you may find yourself stuck in the same old cycle. Even though you are living different experiences, the energetics are the same.
What's hidden beyond your disorganization? Perhaps an unsettling truth you've been avoiding. Think about it.
What if your disorganization is merely a shield, protecting you from acknowledging the absence of a clear objective in life?
You continue to live day after day, perhaps so immersed in your daily chores that you can't spare a moment to define your ultimate destination.
Digging deeper, you might even label this as presence.
Consequently, you avoid confronting the lack of self-confidence because, deep down, you doubt your ability to manifest the life you've always dreamed of.
It's less painful to remain disorganized than to look inwards.
Looking inward can be extremely challenging. Once you begin to see the need for change, it becomes even more difficult. Previously, the mess in front of you masked the need for change. However, once you recognize it, you are compelled to take action. This step involves much more than merely cleaning up externally.
What about all the accumulation in your house?
Old and unused furniture? Clothes that you last wore three years ago? Yet, you persist in the belief that you will need that dress next summer. Why is it so challenging to clean up? Again, you claim to have more important things to do right now. Delving deeper, are you resonating with scarcity?
Are you fearful of not having enough in your future? Or perhaps, you don't want to admit how attached you are to your past.
What about your financial mess?
You might insist that you're not attached to money, that life is in the now, but could this be exposing an unhealthy relationship with your finances? You would rather keep showing a certain life style in the mists of your disorganized financial life so you can be seen in a certain way and impress your friends so you don't have to deal with the frustration of never making enough and deal with your low self esteem. You keep it up with your life style but you have no reserves for emergency or downpayment on a nice project.
There is something there for you to look at.
And your schedule? Omg! Don't wanna go there?! I know it can be painful. What if you had a clear vision of where you are going in life and you realize that 80% of the stuff you are doing right now are just shiny things to keep your ego in check?
But in reality they are useless.
You keep yourself busy so you don't have to do the mundane tasks you should be doing. Your extremely busy and somewhat disorganized schedule makes you feel important because if you had downtime, you would feel depressed and sad. It's better to have a busy and slightly disorganized schedule than to deal with the opinion you hold about yourself about not being enough or that you don't deserve better.
Could the opposite also be true? Are you living a life that you call "early retirement" because you want to believe you're awesome, and your friends envy your lifestyle? But in reality, you can't even survive 6 months without working due to your cracked foundation? That's also manifested in your disorganization.
As you can see, deep truths lie on the other side of our disorganization. These are things we know, but it's painful and uncomfortable to confront and admit them. However, if you choose to face the resistance and examine these aspects, you discover freedom and genuine detachment. You begin to cultivate a healthy relationship with the sacred material world which we frequently fail to honor justly.
Focusing on organizing my things, I realized how many ways I have found to hide from the discomfort of dealing with my own beliefs. I could see how many things disorganization can hide from my sight.
Yet, it can't hide from my soul because the mild discomfort were always there until the day I couldn't handle it anymore. So many patterns to be seen and opportunities to grow if you are willing to do the work.
I also invite you to reflect upon your excessive organization. If you believe you have everything under control, there could be an opportunity to let the universe surprise you. In over-organization and structure, there is no room for magic and surprises.
Like everything else, we need balance. However, if there is something you avoid looking at, and you prefer the mess over clarity, it's probably because what you will find there requires you to take responsibility and make a change.
But once you do it, you never regret it! Then, you are free to experience the next level of your life experience.
With Love,
We are spending a lot of time and effort right now building the foundation at Sacred Business Flow. We're immersing ourselves in a highly organized and intentional creation process. Yes, it can be painful as sometimes you want to see things completed, but co-creating this with Phil has been an incredible experience.
We are building such a robust foundation that I am confident it will enable our business to grow in ways we can't even envision right now, all while keeping ourselves aligned with what matters to us and the life style we want.
Organizing things can take extra time, but I must say, it is worth it. Perhaps a question for you: how long did you take to build your foundation with a clear vision of where you are going?
I'm talking about a big vision, not just for the next year.
Perhaps you were just looking for quick money at the expense of your foundation. Start dedicating some time to reviewing your foundation. The cracks might not be affecting you now, but they can cost you a lot in the future.
If you want to build a Sacred Business, you need a Sacred and Strong foundation.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Dr. Sue Morter
I am celebrating one of my teachers, the one who showed me what Yoga is really about.

Dr. Sue Morter embodies wisdom. Her clarity and passion for sharing are admirable. If you want to know more about her work, visit her website here.
She has this amazing Yoga membership, if you feel like trying, check this free class on Youtube:
BodyAwake® Yoga Class - with Dr. Sue Morter
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
When you can't find comfort in the outside, the only way out is within.
I am dealing with high levels of discomfort right now, and meditation has been helping me to anchor in my deep truth. I love Yogananda's work and there is this 12min meditation available that helps me stay with the discomfort and do the inner work to find peace within.
Guided Meditation on Anchoring Yourself in Calmness
Essential Oils Magic!
I love this doTerra blend called Whisper. It is marketed to women, but in reality, it is good for anyone. It helps you to connect with your sacred feminine powers. I feel powerful and unstoppable with this delicious smell. You can use it under your navel, behind your ears and on the palms of your hands. Click here for more info.
Memorable Quote: