023: Too Little, Too Late
“If I return this work laptop, I won’t be able to afford my own.” I was on the brink of financial ruin. How could it come to this? Just a few months earlier, I was driving a Porsche 911 down a Memphis freeway with my music blasting and the

022: Are You Pursuing True Freedom?
What does it truly mean to embody freedom? Frequently, people express a desire to experience freedom. They want to do things how they want and when they want it. And for most people I know this is what freedom is about. The notion of running a business is commonly associated

021: Change, Love, & Joy
A couple weeks ago, Carolina shared a video about change that I really loved. It sparked something in me, and really had me thinking about my own life. If you didn't catch it, you can check it out here. I'd love to continue this conversation this

020: The Art of Imagining: A Path to Mastery
It is said that if a man can imagine, he can achieve it. Everything begins in our imagination, and yet, we often underestimate its power. We get caught in the outer world, with all the struggles we see, and we think this is more powerful than what we have within.

019: Essential Sacred Business of 2023
It's the first weekend of the new year, and my good friend Leo Babauta from Zen Habits inspired me to do a look back at all the magic that 2023 held for Carolina and I as we launched Sacred Business Flow together. I'd love to share

018: Take your Sacred Business Over the Top in 2024
Simplicity is one of the fundamental frequencies of a Sacred Business, and believe it or not, it can take your business and your life experience over the top.

017: Holiday Wishes
Good morning! I'm writing to you from Playa Herradura in the Central Zone of Costa Rica. I'm here for a little rest and celebration ahead of the Christmas holiday, as I've begun to wind down most of my major projects for the year. And

016: Costa Rica ...How Could I Be So Wrong?
It was a cold day in Montreal. I was having a coaching call related to my business goals and what I was looking to accomplish next. The question she asked me was, "But why Canada?" I immediately started to cry and felt a huge release on my shoulders.

015: Holding the Pose Towards Mastery
On one hand I think this love for learning amazing new skills is honorable, and on the other theres a huge difference between "being on the past towards mastery" and actually achieving mastery in your craft.

014: What lies on the other side of disorganization?
What's hidden beyond your disorganization? Perhaps an unsettling truth you've been avoiding. Think about it.