043: A State of Disconnection ...
There’s a quote by Albert Einstein that I love which reads: “A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion

042: Be With People That Celebrate Your Growth
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you had to make a pivotal decision in your life, one that resonated deeply with your core beliefs at that moment? Yet, when you began to share your decision with others, you found their perspectives so wildly contrasting with yours that

041: Sacred Work Rituals ...
Sometimes there are things going on in your life that make it easy to get distracted or maintain your focus, but you still have commitments and goals that you need to take action on. Knowing that days like this will happen from time to time, it's a good

040: A Conscious Journey Towards Growth
There I was, sitting at the Montreal airport, eagerly awaiting my departure to a remote area in northern Quebec. The anticipation was so intense, it was almost suffocating. The potent mix of joy and excitement was electrifying, to the point of discomfort. I was heading to Kangiqsualujjuaq, an Inuit village

039: The Ache of Wanting
Have you ever wanted something so badly it hurt? Have you ever felt so alive and passionate that you knew in your soul what you desired was going to happen? This kind of unwavering desire is crucial for creating success. Napoleon Hill describes it as "the definiteness of purpose,

038: Allowing the invisible to become visible and the power of discipline
The journey of creation is filled with many challenges. Confronting and overcoming these obstacles are essential steps in dispelling certain beliefs and harnessing our full potential as creators. There are no shortcuts in this process, and every achievement demands a price. The universe operates on a principle of cause and

037: Turning Down a Dance Party for the Desk ...
Today, I'm exploring the power of embracing short-term sacrifices for long-term gains, a principle that can guide us in moments of temptation and immediate pleasures that could take us away from our goals. It's a bit meta because it's 10am on a Saturday morning

036: Are you ready for Accelerated Life Change?
"There are changes happening and they will be out of your control. This is because you are ready for accelerated life change. Rather than paddling, you'll be caught up in a wave and moved farther, faster. Let yourself surge on with the energy of what is happening,

035: AI Automation in Service of Simplicity
Every so often I come across a tool or software that has me super excited and that I feel is worth sharing here in this newsletter. I've written about the core tools we use to run our Sacred Business here, but I'm always looking for ways

034: Everything is Connected
I often find myself questioning and reviewing my "why." Over time, it's becoming clear that this "why" is what keeps me going. If I didn't have a strong belief in where I'm headed and the reasons for it, I would