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053:From stressed to sacred: A new way to view your work

Phil Powis
Phil Powis
8 min read
053:From stressed to sacred: A new way to view your work

As entrepreneurs and online business owners, we often wear stress like a badge of honor. “I’m so stressed” becomes a humble brag, proof of how hard we’re hustling.

But today I'd like to propose the possibility that there is actually no such thing as stress ...and maybe what we call stress is only resistance.

Think about it: energy is always flowing. When we’re in harmony with that energy, there’s no stress. It’s only when we resist the natural flow that we feel tension.

This resistance often comes from two places: fear and desire. We’re afraid our business will fail, or we desperately want to hit that next revenue milestone. Both create inner conflict.

For example, you get a message from an unhappy customer, or a launch event doesn't go quite as planned. It’s just feedback - a chance to improve your product or service. But how do we often react? With fear: “What if this ruins my reputation?” Or desire: “How can I make this go away quickly?”

These reactions create our perception of stress. Fear says, “I don’t want things to be this way.” Desire says, “I want things to be different.” Both resist what is.

The key is to look inward. Next time you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list or anxious about your launch KPI's, ask yourself: “Where am I resisting? What am I afraid of? What am I clinging to?”

By facing these questions, you turn your business into a powerful tool for personal growth. Instead of seeing stress as an external problem, view it as feedback about your inner state.

This shift in perspective is huge. It moves you from victim to creator of your experience.

Think about times when you don’t feel stressed. When you’re brainstorming new product ideas or celebrating a win, you’re fully open to the experience. Why not bring that same openness to how you resolve customer issues or budget your business finances for the future?

Of course, this isn’t easy.

It’s a spiritual practice as challenging as the silent meditation retreat I went on a few years back in Costa Rica. But running your own business offers a perfect training ground to transcend your fears and desires.

The goal isn’t to “fix” stress, but to grow beyond it.

Relax into the present moment, even when it’s uncomfortable. Notice the part of you that’s aware of the stress, but isn’t touched by it.

Here’s a practical approach you can take:

  1. Admit that stress is your problem, not an external issue or anything currently happening (or not happening) in your business.
  2. Recognize that transcending this is part of an opportunity for growth being presented to you.
  3. Relax. Not just your mind or body, but your deepest self.
  4. Observe the stress without identifying with it. You’re the awareness watching the stress, not the stress itself.
  5. Let it pass. Underneath, you’ll find the fears and desires driving it.
  6. Use this insight for growth. How can you honor the present moment more fully in your business?

As you practice this, you’ll find your work becoming sacred. Not because you’re running some “spiritual” business, but because you’re using your business for spiritual growth.

This approach transforms your entire entrepreneurial experience.

Instead of trying to get something from your business or avoid something unpleasant, you’re there to give of yourself. You’re serving your clients and customers as they present themselves to you.

Remember: the universe gave you this exact business as an opportunity. It’s showing you exactly where you need to grow.

Embrace it fully, and you’ll not only become more effective in business - you’ll become more of who you truly are.

This doesn’t mean you’ll never feel tension. But you’ll start to welcome it as a chance to evolve. Each customer complaint, each cash flow challenge becomes an invitation to let go of your smaller self and align with something greater.

In time, you might find yourself taking on tasks that once seemed overwhelming with a sense of passion and purpose. Not because the tasks changed, but because you did.

So next time stress creeps in, pause. Take a breath. Ask yourself:

“What am I resisting right now? How can I open to this experience fully?”

Your business isn’t just a way to make money. It’s a sacred space for personal transformation. Begin to put this into practice, and watch how it changes both you and your work.

This perspective can completely shift how you approach your business. Instead of constantly chasing the next strategy or tactic, you’re focused on your inner growth. And paradoxically, this often leads to greater external success.

When you’re not stressed about metrics, you make clearer decisions.

When you’re not afraid of failure, you take smarter risks.

When you’re not desperately chasing success, you often find it comes more easily.

This doesn’t mean ignoring practical business realities. It means approaching them from a place of openness rather than fear or grasping. It means trusting the process and focusing on what you can control - your own state of being.

As online entrepreneurs, we have a unique opportunity. We can create businesses that not only serve others but serve our highest selves. By viewing our work as a spiritual practice, we can find meaning and growth in every aspect of our daily experience.

With Love,

p.s. - I'd love to hear from you about how you observe the sacred in your daily work? What do you notice when you are connected to this space of openness?


We leave tomorrow for the Amazon!

Tomorrow morning we depart for a week in the Amazon, and I'm so excited!

Part of our 25-year vision for Sacred Business flow includes getting in touch with sages and guardians of truth and finding the connections between the ancient and modern. While traveling to the most remote places on earth.

Our first stop is a lodge in the jungle outside of Manaus where we will meet with indigenous guides who will take us through the forest to experience some of the medicinal trees, and how life is for those who call this place home.


Then, we will make our way to Alter do Chão where we'll be staying with an indigenous host, We'e'ena Tikuna.

Visiting Alter do Chão, Brazil: A hidden gem in the Amazon region

I shared this before, but is our intention that this time away from the desk can inspire our own creativity, and allow us to integrate some new wisdom into what we seek to share with you here.

We'll be unplugging from the business to create space for this.

See you when we get back!

Who We Are Celebrating:

Rachel Connor - Wordplay Coaching

This week we are celebrating Sacred Growth Club member, Rachel Connor. Rachel Connor is a gifted guide who helps writers and professionals unlock their true creative potential. With nearly three decades of experience as a writer, educator, and coach, Rachel has a unique ability to help others find their authentic voice and express it powerfully on the page.

What stands out about Rachel is her commitment to "transformational writing" - writing that creates meaningful change for both the author and reader. She believes in the power of story to transport us, shift our perspectives, and inspire action.

You can learn more about Rachel's transformational writing coaching here, or consider subscribing to her weekly newsletter, Creativity Thesaurus.

Rachel work is an important reminder us that we all have important stories to tell. With the right guidance, we can learn to express them in ways that create positive change in ourselves and the world.

Rachel Connor, Wordplay Coaching

Here is What I Want to Share This Week:

In this course, you'll learn how to:

  • Align your business goals with your deepest intentions
  • Break free from limiting beliefs and past struggles
  • Boost creativity and intuition for better decision-making
  • Develop unshakeable self-belief and confidence
  • Create a sustainable work-life balance to prevent burnout

Through a unique blend of yoga, meditation, breathwork, and embodied movement practices, you'll tap into your body's innate intelligence and unlock your full entrepreneurial potential. Our holistic approach bridges the gap between mind and spirit, giving you access to insights and energy that traditional business strategies often overlook.

You'll gain:

  • Practical tools to manage stress and increase focus
  • Techniques to cultivate presence and mindfulness in your daily work
  • Strategies to harmonize your past experiences with your future vision
  • A supportive framework for consistent personal and professional growth

We're giving away a few more 100% off promo codes to celebrate the launch to our newsletter, so if you would like a copy, drop us a reply and we will hook you up!

I came across this on my new favorite app, Sublime internet, and resonated with many of the author's opinions about good principles to ground you in business (for context, he is a designer).

Here's one I liked:

I haven't been this excited about an app since well, probably a few weeks ago lol. Truth is, I do get excited about apps quite a bit. But this one is quite special. So much in fact, that we've invited the founder to come offer a workshop to our Sacred Growth Club in October on the creative process and how the internet can support this in a positive way.

That's where Sublime comes in. It's not just another note-taking app - it's a place to collect all those interesting bits and pieces you come across. Think of it as your personal museum of cool stuff.

Why does this matter? Well, having all these ideas in one place can:

  • Help you think better and see connections you might have missed
  • Sharpen your sense of what's actually worth your time
  • Let you enjoy the internet without getting sucked into the endless scroll
  • Give your future self a treasure trove of inspiration to dig into

I like to think of Sublime as creating "trails" through the internet.

You're not just saving stuff - you're leaving breadcrumbs for yourself (and maybe others) to follow later. It's like making your own personal map of the coolest parts of the web.

Sublime is all about making sure those flashes of inspiration don't get lost in the noise. It's your digital net for catching and keeping the good stuff.

I believe it's still invite only, and I only have 5 to give, so grab it here while these codes last!

World Building vs Content Marketing

Thumbnail of content marketing vs world-building — kening zhu

Memorable Quote:

Preview of 3f0baa64ed34-jpg


Phil Powis

Co-Founder & Chief Strategist, Sacred Business Flow

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