019: Essential Sacred Business of 2023

It's the first weekend of the new year, and my good friend Leo Babauta from Zen Habits inspired me to do a look back at all the magic that 2023 held for Carolina and I as we launched Sacred Business Flow together.
I'd love to share a few of the highlights for me and the business, and then share some of the best Sacred Business Flow posts and YouTube Videos of 2023.
Here are some of my favorite highlights of the year:
- Launched Sacred Business Flow - This was completely unexpected for me for the entire first half of the year! Going all-in on this new business with Carolina has been an incredible practice in partnership already, and I know with conviction that we are just getting started. I'm very excited to continue to share with you in 2024 as this work continues to evolve.
- Created the 9 Fundamental Frequencies of Sacred Business - This is the big idea that everything we are creating going forward is rooted in, that you experience Sacred Business when the 3 Convergence Points of Clarity, Confidence, and Purpose are activated. How do you activate these power centers? Through working the 9 Fundamental Frequencies. Carolina and I spent few months with our heads down really refining our message here. Don't worry, we'll be talking a lot more about this going forward, as we'll be publishing the manifesto in early 2024.
- Developed the Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment™ - We created a powerful tool for helping you take the first step to build the sacred business that will allow you to experience more time, money, and freedom. It is based on the 9 Fundamental Frequencies, and we plan to continue to build upon this with an expanded library of tools & resources mapped to each frequency in 2024. Check it out here!
- Re-Launched our Facebook group, Wisdom Seekers which is now 240K members strong! - I've been growing this group for a few years now, but it felt powerful to bring it under the Sacred Business Flow brand, as "Wisdom Seekers". We plan to build on the success of this group with the launch of a podcast where we interview entrepreneurs, teachers, and practitioners on what the embodiment of Sacred Business means to them.
- Launched a YouTube Channel - This is still very new to us, but it felt good to plant a seed in the ground. We intend to continue to build this as a place of value for subscribers beyond the Be The Flow Newsletter. Check it out here.
- Attended Ron Reich's Medellin Mastermind - This was a pivotal event for me in getting to a point in my mind that I felt I had "permission" to explore and dive into this new body of work that is taking me in a different direction from the identity I had built as the "tech wizard" and online business builder. Those aspects of me are still there, but during this event I feel I connected to something deeper and it's where the initial idea for Sacred Business Flow began to take shape in my mind. I'm very grateful to Ron, Sasha Lipskaia, Suzy Ashworth, Jay Fiset, Filip Sardi, Galen Wood, as well as the other mastermind members for all the individual conversations, and inspiring ideas that helped things fall into place.
- Launched Radiant Flow Practice Group - Carolina and I launched a beautiful practice group for Entrepreneurs earlier in the year which was our first offer together. It's no longer open for enrollment, but we have an an amazing group of members who gather 3 times a week to flow together, and share in community. We'll be re-launching membership to this community later this month as part of our soon to be announced Sacred Growth Club.
- Action Packed Mastermind Weekend - While I was in Colombia for the Medellin Mastermind - myself and a few other members asked the question - wouldn't it be cool to create a mastermind experience that's sole purpose was to execute and implement and move beyond the world of thought and ideas in a very short amount of time? This conversation became the genesis of the very first Action Packed Mastermind Weekend which was held in Playa Tivives, Costa Rica. It was an incredible experience!
- The Limitless Experience in San Antonio, Texas - Public speaking has been an ever-present fear for me since childhood. I'd look for any way to get out of being in the spotlight. I made a deal with Carolina to start working on this, and we made our workshop debut on Creating a Sacred Business at this event, just weeks after solidifying our partnership. It was a powerful experience for both of us! We also got to participate as 7-figure growth and energy panelists during the event. We got the bug, are are planning to share our message on as many stages as possible in 2024 and beyond.
- Offered our very first series of VIP Weekends in Costa Rica - We hosted a handful of VIP client weekends in Costa Rica by the beach in Uvita, and in the mountains of Escazu. What a powerful way to collapse timelines and get clients moving in a powerful new direction with their work! This is something we will continue to offer in 2024, and we already have our first one of the year coming up soon in the Caribbean beachside town of Puerto Viejo!
- Developed our Be The Flow 6-Month Coaching Program - This was a labor of love. Carolina and I spent a good part of the second half of the year really putting our heads together and asking the question - how can we best combined our gifts to accelerate and amplify the results our clients had been getting working with us individually prior to coming together in Sacred Business Flow? Our new Be The Flow program has been that answer. It's a powerful mentoring to build the business of your dreams by working with your energy, embracing your true essence, and then taking strategic action from this place of inspiration. We are proud to share that we've onboarded several new clients and seeing the impact of what it can look like for someone to receive this level of full-spectrum support has been magical to witness on my end.
- Increased Fitness - Besides all these huge business highlights, this was a big theme and highlight for me in 2024, as I was recovering from a surgery at the start of the year. I got pretty fit! I committed to 4-5 yoga sessions per week with Carolina, and then completed two 8-week running challenges. I got stronger and fitter all around, and can honestly say I'm in better shape than I was at 18. I have some big goals around this for 2024, as I adopt some new routines to take things to the next level.
Best Issues of 2023
Here are issues of Be The Flow that I enjoyed the most in 2023. I hope you find them supportive:
Holding the Pose Towards Mastery
What Lies on the Other Side of Disorganization?
Cyclical Time and the Fear of Missing Out
My Moment of Turning Pro
Effort Risk and Exposure
Disconnected Profits: The Inner Game of Business
Best YouTube Videos
Here are some messages from Carolina that I really personally appreciated this past year:
Essence and Structure
Detachment: Letting Go of What You Like
Connection and Emotions: Taking Control
When Was the Last Time You Did Something New?
The Business Harmony Map Assessment
Question for you ...
"What does it mean to have a sacred business? How do you create harmony between you, your business, and the divine? How can your each the fullest expression of your heart's desire, to be in touch with your essence, no matter the level of uncertainty you might be facing?"
Here’s what I’ve come to believe…
Growing your business is a sacred act.
You are operating in your fullest expression when there is harmony between you, your business, and the divine. This becomes a sacred act of co-creation.
This is expressed via what Carolina and I call the 9 Fundamental Frequencies™ and 3 Convergence Points™.
When you are in harmony with these frequencies and you operate from your essence, the sacred business powerfully emerges.It can’t help but be an abundant source of personal fulfillment, while also being in service to something greater than you, a true gift to the world.
So what do you DO with this information?
Over the past few months, Carolina and I have been working intensely to develop our brand new Sacred Business Harmony Map Assessment™ that will in a matter of minutes help you discover where you are experiencing harmony in life currently and where you are seeking balance.
The Harmony Map Assessment™ is now available for YOU to take!
You can find it here - https://harmony.sacredbusinessflow.com
It is 100% free. It takes about 5-7 minutes to complete, and you'll get your unique Harmony Map instantly.
You don’t have to sacrifice success in order to create from a place of true authenticity and inspiration!
A Strong Start to 2024 ...
We still have space in our calendar for one additional vip weekend in Q1 of 2024 if you are a driven entrepreneur looking to build a Sacred Business that will allow you to experience more time, money, & freedom ...
It's time to fall back in love with your business.
We've been doing this over a 3-day weekend in some of Costa Rica's most beautiful locations.
If you'd like to start the new year strong with a powerful plan and vision for the next year in your business, simply reply to this email and we are happy to co-create an experience with you in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Steve Pirie
I had the chance to reconnect with an old friend yesterday, Steve Pirie, and it's been incredible to see what he's been able to create with his partner Sarah over the past few years.
When I caught up with him he was sitting at the bow of an incredible cruise ship anchored in Sydney Harbour.
Most recently he's been partnering with Insider Expeditions to create entrepreneurial adventures like this one to Antartica.
He also runs an event and community design firm, Wonder and Wander.
And lastly, he is the owner of Wonder Lab, Auckland's first Well-being by Design Lab, where they offer a unique and innovative approach to well-being.
I met Steve at a life-changing event back in 2018 called Two12. Since then we've kept in touch, and he's become a great friend over the years.
Our view of the world and entrepreneurship is very much aligned, so if you are reading this Steve, I'm still holding hope that we'll find the perfect collaboration sometime in the future :)
Things I'd Like to Share
AgeGeek (Click Here)
This is a fun tool to see what others have achieved at the exact same age as you, over the course of history.
Tella (Click Here)
I wish I had found Tella before I renewed my annual Loom subscription last month. I learned about this tool from Jay Clouse, of Creator Science. I'm currently using it to create new training videos for our Be The Flow coaching program, and videos made with Tella look really good.
Inbox Zero (Link)
My inbox is in pretty good shape these days, but if I needed a little tuneup and newsletter management, I'd give this tool a whirl. Complete with AI automations, this can help you declutter your email of promotions in no time.
In addition to free and low-cost monthly plans, they are currently offering a lifetime payment option (which if you've read this newsletter for a while you know I love).
Check it out!
Memorable Quote:
"We are the Earth, created of and animated by its sacred elements: earth, air, fire and water. As social animals, it is love that makes us fully human, and we know who we are through spirit and ceremony.” - David Suzuki, The Sacred Balance