029: Echoes of the Heart

Ever been in a seminar or mastermind event, finding yourself hesitant to voice your boldest dreams or goals?
Maybe they felt too personal or you were anxious about potential misunderstanding or judgement. Or perhaps, the idea of sharing them aloud felt too intimidating, leading you to refrain from even jotting them down.
If this rings true, rest assured, you're not alone. Earlier this week I found myself in a similar situation, holding back from expressing my deepest desires and aspirations due to apprehension. This can be particularly challenging when we're in environments intended to foster support and encouragement, yet we still find ourselves self-censoring.
I was at a mastermind event in Texas. The vision I had penned down was deeply personal and not suitable for sharing at the event. However, it was a genuine reflection that I felt was critical to the realization of my aspirations for the 25-year vision I had crafted for my business and myself earlier in the year.
Here's what's true: our most profound, personal goals often serve as the compass guiding us towards ultimate fulfillment and success. They are the echoes of our heart and soul, the whisperings of our unique purpose and potential. When we refrain from acknowledging these aspirations, we inadvertently suppress a part of ourselves yearning for expression, thereby denying ourselves the opportunity to fully embrace these goals.
In the entrepreneurial realm, this might translate to an overemphasis on the strategic facets of your business, while neglecting the deeper, more personal elements of your work. The focus is primarily on external, quantifiable metrics of success, with little attention paid to your inner experience - the joy, fulfillment, and alignment with your work.
This is a recurring theme I often witness in entrepreneurial circles.
Most of which are high-achieving entrepreneurs with profitable businesses. Yet, beneath their outward success, a sense of disconnection and unfulfillment lingers. The relentless pursuit of business goals had led them to lose touch with their inner joy and satisfaction.
So, if you find yourself feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your business, I invite you to turn your gaze inward.
Delve into your motivations and desires.
Do your business goals align with your personal ones?
Are you building a business that not only yields financial success but also kindles joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose?
If the answer is no, perhaps it's time to recalibrate your approach.
Remember, everything is interconnected.
Be the Flow Coaching has one remaining spot for an April start!
We are looking for entrepreneurs who are ready to take the Love-Led Leap to build their business by getting out of their heads and into their hearts.
Whether you have reached a plateau in your business, or are looking to create something new, you are looking to grow!
Do you feel like you know what you SHOULD be doing, but you just can’t seem to take the next logical step? Maybe you’ve read all the books, taken the courses, but you still find yourself plateaued in your business, or getting stuck, not knowing what actions are going to create the next level of success you desire?
You don’t have to sacrifice success in the name of creating from a place of true authenticity and inspiration.
While giving your business all the attention it requires, you’ll also be invited to take a higher perspective where we’ll help shine a light on how the most divinely inspired version of YOU will experience massive personal expansion.
When that most powerful version of you shows up authentically, creatively and powerfully in alignment to a plan for action, this is when real magic begins to happen.
You’ll be supported in creating a new relationship with your business, so that you can experience a true abundance of time, money, and freedom. We’ll take a deep dive into your Business Harmony Map™, and create a structured plan for working with the fundamental frequencies that are most seeking balance. We’ll also leverage the strengths of the frequencies most in harmony to help create fast traction.
Anchored on a foundation of clarity that feels really good, we’ll help you create a winning business strategy guaranteed to get you unstuck and will hold you accountable to creating real momentum forward.
As you work your personalized plan, we will also provide you with physical and emotional support so you can learn how to manage your own energy and see the power of a structured plan when combined with well-balanced energy.
So often we underestimate the power of emotions and find ourselves taking action out of frustration. While it may feel like there is a sense of progress in the short-term, there is a big difference between action for action’s sake and truly inspired action.
You’ll learn to recognize and honor all emotions, tap into a limitless source of energy, and fine-tune your internal guidance system for powerful decision making.
Carolina and I have space for one more client to start in March for this 6-month journey with us!
Join us for a Harmony Map Discovery Call
Haven’t taken the quiz yet? You can do so here.
Memorable Quote:
“When you move beyond consciousness, you caress the beloved. When you move into the unknown, beyond everything, the beloved caresses you"