021: Change, Love, & Joy

A couple weeks ago, Carolina shared a video about change that I really loved. It sparked something in me, and really had me thinking about my own life. If you didn't catch it, you can check it out here.
I'd love to continue this conversation this week, in service of anyone who who considering a big life change, whether it be pursuing a new business venture, a relationship, or maybe a big move.
Really anything that is calling you towards something well beyond your status quo and comfort zone, into a new reality.
Here's a question for you:
Have you ever pondered the existence of another version of yourself in an alternate dimension who chose a different path?
Have you felt the weight of a significant decision at a crossroads, one that could profoundly shape the entire future of your life?
It could feel as if every event in your life has been leading up to this crossroads.
A moment like this demands courage, awareness, and decisive action.
After contemplating all possibilities and the deeper meanings of your thoughts, you may come to realize there's no turning back, only moving forward.
This could be an invitation for you to actively participate in crafting an exciting new chapter in your life.
When I personally reflect on my initial inquiry about that alternate "you" who chooses to make a different choice, it becomes vivid like a movie playing out upon the screen of my mind's eye.
I see the version of myself who opts for safety, ignores the 'what ifs,' and adheres to practicality, leading to a predictable, yet unexciting life.
Then, there's the version of me that embraces uncertainty, thrives on it, and is eager to discover who I might become by diverging from the well-known path to explore uncharted possibilities.
This idea fills me with joy, despite the pangs of fear it invokes.
And, there's a third imagined reality where I acknowledge that even the possibilities I've conceived are limited by my own experiences. And a remembrance that the true potential of what we can create and experience in this lifetime is limitless.
The fear of making wrong decisions is often present for me in moments like these – the fear of regret, letting others down, and one of my ultimate fears - being alone and disconnected.
This mental imagery can be paralyzing, even when there is a powerful energy rising within me, inviting me to act.
However, there's an inherent beauty in being open to facing such pivotal change.
Every moment presents a choice: to either flow towards joy or to move away from it. This is where an understanding of the the fundamental frequency of love can be helpful.
Love, in its purest form, is a connective and unifying force.
It expands the heart beyond mere excitement, bringing pleasure and peace, yet also exposing us to vulnerability. It opens our hearts to the full spectrum of life's joys and sorrows.
We can choose to live as the version of ourselves that suffers by ignoring our soul's call for evolution, or we can choose a different path for ourselves.
At life's crossroads, ask yourself: Is this decision rooted in fear or love?
In your decision-making, align with the frequency of love. Trust in your wisdom and strength to navigate any challenges. Remember, it's not about making the "right" choice, but a choice that feels right in the moment.
Trust in yourself, the process, and who you are becoming.
We must hold ourselves to the highest standard and make choices that create more of what we desire.
It's beautiful to allow space for new desires, but perhaps the most important question is:
Are we ready to meet ourselves in those defining moments that will forever alter our reality?
How do we cope with uncertainty and fear?
How do we reconcile conflicting emotions and choose a path leading to more joy and flow?
Especially when our past selves no longer resonate and the path forward remains unclear.
I believe clarity comes from asking courageous questions.
When contemplating a big decision, consider these reflections:
- Does this choice light a spark in me?
- Am I ready to dive in with all I've got?
- Is this choice rooted in love or fear?
- What is my gut saying?
- Even if it doesn't work out, will I grow from this?
These questions may guide you towards self-awareness and clarity.
Trust in your wisdom and strength. It's about making a choice that feels right for you now.
Trust in yourself, the process, and who you are becoming.
Every decision is an opportunity for growth. No matter the outcome, you are capable of handling it (reminder to self here).
Pursuing what ignites our soul with passion brings fulfillment.
When we commit fully to what we love, we invite magic into our lives.
I'll leave you with one final question that a very wise friend asked me to reflect on earlier this week as I was contemplating my own life and some decisions I have in front of me:
"If you had the complete confidence that everything would work out and already IS working out right now, that life was going to be amazing and everyone around you would ultimately benefit from your action, what would you do?"
I invite you to join me in thinking about how this applies to your life, and to remember that at the end of the day love is what makes everything happen.
If we stay rooted in love, we can't get this wrong.
Being Brave w/ Sasha Lipskaia ...
Next week Carolina and I will be recording an interview with friend and intuitive advisor, Sasha Lipskaia for her Being Brave Podcast. We are so excited that she will be joining us in Costa Rica! We'll share the link just as soon as its available. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe if you are looking for guidance for hearing your soul’s message and bravely birthing it into the world.
From the description:
"Every week we will go on a soul journey, helping you remember who you truly are, and learning to thrive in a life of love, creativity, self-worth, perseverance on what truly matters to you, and being brave, every single day, just as you are"
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Salem Belladonna
I originally met Salem through Leo Babauta's Fearless Mastery Program that we created a few years back. I then got to know her a bit more when she attended the Fearless Intensive in Costa Rica last year.
Salem is a celllist, pianist, singer-songwriter, and composer. Recently, her work was featured in the found footage film, The Outwaters.
She's also been an active member in our Radiant Flow Practice Group that Carolina and I have been running since last year.
Recently, Salem has created a very powerful and unique offering called ALCH:MY.
ALCH:MY is an 8-week series of alchemical music lessons supported by yoga. It is designed to nurture a healing, sustainable, and deeply transformative relationship to your practice.
ALCH:MY promises the ability to experience alchemical concepts directly via creating healing relationship with your instrument and yourself.
And if you've ever wanted to learn how to play the cello, piano, take voice lessons, or try your hand at composition this could be a very beautiful way to explore a new side of yourself!
Personally, I'm very proud of Salem for bringing this new offering into the world, as I remember when it was just a vision she held a few years back.
This is powerful creator-ship in action!
Things I'd Like to Share
Shadow Money (Click Here)
Heal Your Money Shadows, Melt Your Wealth Ceiling & Unlock an Ecstatic and Abundant Money Life.
This is the first book in the Awakened Money Series.
Upgrade your money life with rich understandings on:
- How to untangle yourself from the Money Drama Triangle™ that keeps you in an endless state of stuckness, scarcity and financial victimhood
- Why trying to “manifest money’ often backfires and results in even more disappointment, failure and desperation; and how to truly relate with money from a place of abundance
- A rich encounter with the consciousness of Money itself, meeting it in love, forgiveness, and a mutual desire for wholeness and freedom
- How to overcome the subtle and agonizing feelings of financial envy, ill-will and ill-intent that stunt your own growth and success.
- The practice of Mystical Money Merging™ to initiate a powerful process of repair and prosperous relating with money
- The 7 most limiting (and rarely talked about) shadow patterns that block and impede the volume and frequency of your wealth inflows
- How to generate a positive Money Reality Distortion Field™ that can make money surge into your life faster, easier, and accompanied by more joy-filled and life-expanding circumstances
No matter what you’ve experienced up to now, you DESERVE an ecstatic, abundant and peaceful money life.
Shadow Money is where you reclaim it.
*Special offer exclusively for Be The Flow Newsletter Subscribers.
I'm going to drop a secret here, "The Money Shaman" is none other than my business partner and brother-in-love from over at Empire Engineering, Ry Schwartz.
Due to this special relationship, I've got a special offer for you here that you likely won't find elsewhere.
If you decide to grab a copy of the book, simply reply to this email with your order confirmation and I'll be sure you are hooked up with the companion course featuring 8+ hours of all the guided practices from the book.
It sells on its own for $777… but you’ll get it as a gratitude gift 😄
The 5 Lightbulbs Copywriting Accelerator (Click Here)
I originally met Billy at a marketing mastermind event in Newport Beach, California, and was immediately struck by his level of grounded-ness, and frankly, for just being "human". Its a pretty typical experience that you go to these type of events and everyone is posturing, hawking their wares, and generally trying to assess whether they should be selling to you, or if they should be buying from you lol.
I didn't catch any of that from Billy, he struck me as genuinely just being there to connect and learn.
Fast forward a few years, and Billy has created an incredibly powerful framework for crafting your message, which he calls the 5 Lightbulbs Messaging Framework.
I originally asked him to share it as a workshop in Zen Habit's Fearless Living Academy, and I was so struck by the simplicity AND power of what he shared during that workshop, that Carolina and I have recently brought him on to help us refine the message of what we are sharing here at Sacred Business Flow.
I'm excited about this because I feel theres another level of clarity of the message we want to be sharing from our hearts related to the work we are doing now with our clients.
All to say - when I learned that Billy was re-opening his 4 week accelerator, I knew I had to share it with you here.
Billy has worked with an impressive number of A-list clients like Ali Abdaal, Tiago Forte, Leila Gharani, Ryan Deiss, and ninety more graduates of his group programs.
I tell you this to let you know that in this age of fake experts, you are getting help from someone with a decade of real-world, in-the-trenches experience.
I believe the accelerator starts next week. Check it out here.
Embrace Change: Dance Your Way to Expansion (Click Here)
This is the video that Carolina shared a couple weeks ago that in part inspired this week's newsletter. Sharing it again here because I think it's worth a watch if you missed it on the original share.
Memorable Quote:
"When you feel love or joy—or any positive emotion—you are literally being the expanded version that life has caused you to become. When you feel fear, anger, or despair—or any negative emotion—you are not, in this moment, by virtue of whatever it is that you are giving your attention to, allowing yourself to be that new expanded version … you are not letting yourself keep up with who you have become.” - Esther Hicks, The Astonishing Power of Emotions