048: Are You Experiencing Fear or Could it Actually be Excitement?

Over the years, I've come to realize that I frequently confuse two emotions: fear and excitement.
In my personal experience, these two energies often manifest in a similar manner within me. Whether it's a flutter in my stomach or a pressure around my solar plexus area, these sensations were typically labeled as fear for the majority of my life.
However, there's another form of excitement that I experience. This kind of excitement is an expansive energy that I often feel as an opening in my chest. This sensation is distinctly different from fear and is usually associated with enjoyable activities that may not have a significant long-term impact on my life.
What I want to suggest is that you take a moment to reassess and truly determine whether what you're labeling as fear is indeed fear.
Could it be that what you're experiencing is an immense surge of energy brought on by a fresh idea or a new adventure that you're contemplating?
I've observed the same thing with my clients. They often label this rush of energy as fear, which consequently blocks them from taking action.
In 2019, during my visit to Egypt, I experienced a significant expansion of my energy. Being immersed in such truth and witnessing the power of the mind, I was inspired to rethink my life from a perspective of endless possibilities. In one of our group meetings, after a day filled with temple visits, I shared with my teacher the fear I was feeling. He responded with a thought-provoking question:
"Is it truly fear that you're feeling, or could it be excitement for all the new things you're allowing yourself to dream of?"
As simple as it seems, this understanding changed my entire relationship with the feeling in my stomach, the sensation in my solar plexus, and even the overwhelming feeling that I would often experience when noticing the gap between where I was and where I wanted to go.
This transformation from avoidance to curiosity and courage was pivotal. Now, each time I encounter these feelings, I consciously breathe and stay present, allowing more room for exploration.
Instead of resisting, what if I lean in? This willingness to fully experience these emotions unlocked numerous future opportunities.
My life has taken a complete turn since that insightful conversation.
How about reflecting on your own experiences? How does the sensation of fear present itself in your body? Could it be just fear, or possibly a mix of fear and excitement? Are you able to follow that sensation, creating space for deeper exploration?
I encourage you to reconsider the labels you attach to your emotions, especially strong ones like fear that come with a lot of judgments. Instead of immediately identifying an intense feeling as fear, allow yourself to lean into the possibility that it could signify something different.
Opening yourself to exploration not only allows you to experience your emotions more fully but also opens your life to new actions and subsequent experiences.
This is not to say that fear doesn't coexist with excitement. The feelings of insecurity that stem from fear, such as the fear of failure or making mistakes, are very real. However, removing the label of fear and opening yourself up to exploration can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself.
I love this saying: "The only difference between fear and excitement is your attitude about it." And that changes everything.
Being excited about something allows me to invite new thoughts, engage in conversations about it, and to follow the feeling more intensely than if I simply label it as fear. This new perspective has given me the freedom to feel and the power to take action.
Perhaps, your first step towards something you want, which you have been avoiding due to "fear", is a shift in perspective.
With Love,
Looking for inspiring places
The environment we are in can significantly impact us, both positively and negatively. As creatures of habit, we often lose the ability to feel how our surroundings affect us as we get immersed in autopilot, thinking that where we are and how we work is just what it is.
If you intentionally expose yourself to different places with varying energies, you also start opening your mind to diverse thoughts.
Lately, we have been seeking spaces that inspire us. We are drawn to locations abundant with nature and tranquility, enabling us to tune in and discern what our sacred business requires from us.
I have found it incredibly beneficial to connect with my body and move with intention while immersed in nature. This practice enhances my productivity and focus, and often sparks great ideas for my life expansion.
If you're having a hard time moving into what's next for you, or finding it difficult to choose among all the possibilities to focus on, it might be a good idea to completely change your environment for even half a day.
Bring your intentions with you. Instead of just meditating or thinking about what you want, invite your body to participate in this game with you. More of who you are becomes available when you start including your body in your creative process.
As you move and stretch your physical body, you're also inviting flexibility into your mind. This can help you see new things, or even view the same things from a new angle.
There is a cool app that can be helpful for you to find new and inspiring places. It suggests amazing hiking trails that might guide you to incredible locations right around you, places you never knew existed. Check it out here.
The trails are added to the app by people who have discovered nice spaces and tracked them using the app. You can find a lot to explore within a few miles from where you are.
Celebrating WHO
Anna Ellen Milani
Today, I am celebrating my dear friend and doTerra consultant, Anna Ellen. She invited me years ago to start using essential oils in various ways. There is an essential oil for pretty much everything; it is natural and super efficient.
I am increasingly looking for alternatives to reduce the amount of harmful chemicals I use in my life, from personal beauty products to cleaning products, as well as many things for my own health and taking care of my kids.
Nature is inherently comprehensive, providing everything we require. I'm grateful that she chose to pursue her passion and share it with others, and I consider myself fortunate to have been invited to join her on this journey. I frequently seek her advice, and she always has a beneficial and natural solution to accommodate my needs.
Here is What I Want to Share This Week:
Fun Drive
An experience of fear and excitement. For the first time, I had the opportunity to drive an UTV. Generally speaking, cars or driving don't usually excite me, but this was an extraordinary experience. I mainly went for the scenic views rather than the driving experience, but surprisingly, I found myself having a lot of fun.
I gained a significant lesson from this experience - the importance of trying new things, even those I initially judged as not enjoyable. The fun I had during this adventure surprised me. This led me to question: how much am I potentially missing out on by not trying new things, simply because I've decided in the past that I wouldn't like them?
Driving this powerful little car presented a unique opportunity to experience fear and excitement simultaneously. I found myself pushing the accelerator, going faster, and feeling a flutter in my stomach. Instead of hitting the brakes, I leaned into the feeling and pushed a little harder, which was truly liberating.
Although it was a group excursion and I couldn't go as fast as I wanted, I made a mental note to revisit this experience, driving faster and exploring these feelings more deeply. The goal is to allow myself to push beyond my perceived limits.
This was a great way to explore my emotions. In a safe and fun environment, I trained my nervous system even more to understand that the flutter in my stomach is safe. And because everything is connected, this courage and willingness to feel will also be available to me in my daily life.
Wild Orange Essential Oil
Wild Orange essential oil is renowned for its ability to alleviate anxiety, lifting one's mood. From my personal experience, it infuses me with a sense of joy and lightness. The oil's fresh aroma ushers in a refreshing perspective to my day.
In the context of fear and excitement, I recommend diffusing some Wild Orange essential oil. Try to recall an experience that was previously labeled as fear and attempt to connect with it differently. Wild Orange may aid in enhancing your sense of humor, which I believe could help you tap into feelings of excitement and joy, rather than anxiety or fear about a situation you're navigating.
But remember, moderation is key. Five drops in a diffuser should be enough. Personally, I enjoy placing a single drop in my hands and inhaling the scent. :) You can check it out here.