045:The Power of Partnership: How We Stay in Sync with Our 5-Minute Daily Review

cLast week, during a call with a prospective client, a question arose about how Carolina and I maintain such a strong partnership in our business. The individual was feeling overwhelmed about the possibility of opening herself up to partnership in the peer-to-peer community she’s excited to launch in August.
Entrepreneurship and running an online business can be challenging at times, often difficult enough when operating as a solopreneur. I believe that when you enter into a partnership, any unhealthy habits or challenges you might experience can become magnified. This is because someone else is now bearing witness to your experience, and you’re not only responsible for your own success but also contributing to the success of another.
There are times when this can feel overwhelming, such as when I’m having a hard time showing up for myself and now have the added responsibility of showing up for someone else.
That being said, I generally experience partnership as one of the greatest joys in my present-day entrepreneurial journey and as one of the greatest catalysts for my growth. I now have someone who can call me out when I’m not operating from my highest perspective and who can challenge me to rise to new challenges that often feel just out of reach.
So, for as many challenges as business partnership could bring, I’m extremely grateful for the way Carolina and I are building Sacred Business Flow together after many years of playing the “lone wolf” and going at it alone. It feels great to have someone by my side who is equally committed to bringing our vision to life and who can help me keep going when my energy levels falter.
And it’s my true joy to be able to do the same for her.
With those general thoughts in mind, I’d like to share one of the core practices we use to stay in sync, not only about what we’re working on inside the business but also on a personal level. As you’ve heard us talk about many times before, everything is connected, and what’s going on outside of the business often impacts our ability to powerfully show up and create.
Each day (with the exception of Saturday), Carolina and I commit to a daily review process that we share with each other. Currently, we’re using an amazing tool called VoiceNotes to create these quickly, but you can just as easily use a simple Google document that you share.
Honestly, even if you don’t have a business partner, you can do this process between “you and you.” I feel it’s an equally powerful process.
I believe that in partnership, it creates a beautiful opportunity to allow a brief window into your internal world and to see how your partner is relating to their day, your shared goals, and the struggles or challenges they might be facing.
From this place, it creates an incredible opening for a deeper dialogue and understanding of ways you can support each other in individual and collective success.
We generally do this brief 5-minute process at the end of our workday, when we’re shutting down and transitioning out of work mode into relaxation or other roles we might have in our lives. I find this is the best time of day for reflection because everything we have encountered and experienced is still fresh in our minds.
We then share the document or voice note with each other on WhatsApp, which is what we use to communicate throughout the day.
On occasion, life gets busy, and one of us will forget to send over our review. In that case, we simply send it over first thing in the morning before diving into our day ahead.
Sometimes it can feel like just “one more thing” to get done in an already full day, but I’ve found that the more we’ve committed fully to this process, the more benefit we’ve experienced from the daily practice.
Positive outcomes we’ve noticed from consistently making time for this ritual, even on busy days, include: - Improved communication - Better understanding of each other’s needs and priorities - Increased connection and ability to inspire each other creatively.
So what exactly is included in our daily review?
I’m going to give you the exact template you can start adopting today to deepen your connection with your business partner.
This simple yet powerful practice involves setting aside dedicated time each day to check in with each other, share your thoughts and feelings, and align on your goals and priorities. It only takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Again, if you don’t have a business partner, you could just as easily do this exercise for yourself, or even with an employee or executive assistant.
This process was largely inspired by one of my past coaches, Taylor Pearson who was instrumental in helping me integrate a lot of the operating rhythms I know employ in my life and in Sacred Business Flow.
Here are the questions I would suggest asking as part of your daily review:
That’s it!
If you create the space to take on this simple daily review practice with your business partner, I can almost guarantee you’ll experience improved communication, higher levels of understanding, and the ability to take on new challenges and accomplish your goals in record time.
Sending Love
P.S. if you haven't checked out these additional resources, I encourage you to:
- Read the Sacred Business Manifesto
- Explore "Be The Flow" Coaching
- Take the 7-Minute Harmony Map Assessment
It's time for Soul Wave Connection, July 2024 Edition!
"What is it?": Every month, Carolina and I both open up 3 x 20-minute slots on on our calendars for the chance to connect with you Philip
"Why are you doing this?": Simple, we like connecting with people on a 1:1 basis - just like how you would get to know someone over a tea or coffee at your local cafe. In our case, it's a virtual one
And it's also our way of saying thank you for supporting us by being here on the Be The Flow Newsletter list.
"Who is this for?": If you simply like connecting on a video chat, then we would love to have a conversation!
"So, how does it work?": We've both opened up 3 x 20-minute slots on our calendar this month, and it's for whoever wants to have a Soul Wave Connection Call with us.
Here are some Zoom selfies of folks who have joined us for Soul Wave Connection:
Click to Book Your Soul Wave Connection Call with Carolina here >>>
Click to Book Your Soul Wave Connection Call with Phil here >>>
Here is What I Want to Share This Week:
Voicenotes: A Place to Dump Your Thoughts
- Record new ideas, family moments, meetings, podcast takeaways, anything.
- Ask your AI to review past notes or brainstorm new ideas. It has perfect memory.
- Create summary, to-do list, blog post, and more using your notes.
- Available on the Web, iOS and Android. Loved by 30,000+ note-takers.
Go ahead, record a quick note. No sign-up required. This is the tool Carolina and I are using to manage our Daily Review process we've shared in this issue :)
It's currently on Lifetime deal for only $50 but I don't expect this to last long! Brought to you by the developers of Buy Me a Coffee.
Memorable Quote: