031: When Things Get Loud ...

This past week has been a whirlwind of change, filled with new experiences and shifts in my daily life.
These experiences have brought feelings of excitement and butterflies, accompanied by fear for what the future holds, and waves of sadness.
I'm not entirely sure where home will be in the coming months.
I have an idea, but its largely out of my control and timelines are up in the air.
And as I grapple to make sense of it all, it's almost as if the people, places, and things in my life are cards in a deck that has just been shuffled, and I've been handed a blind deal for a whole new game.
So much possibility, and yet I'll be the first to admit that my mind has been going crazy trying to predict the future.
How did I get here?
Back in February, I experienced a moment of profound clarity, a moment where I felt a deep connection with multiple truths years in the making, and once those were brought into the light, there was no going back to the way things were.
It's a beautiful story.
I can't share more than this right now, but one day I know I'll have more to say about this, because the rapid growth has been shaping who I am at the core in entirely new ways.
Have you ever had a moment like this?
It could show up in your business, your vocation, your relationships, or even in your health.
It can be scary as hell.
It's as if I could feel life pulling me forward by an invisible string, guiding me down a path that felt completely illogical.
My mind was shouting "what the hell are you doing right now?"
But when I went into stillness through meditation, I could sense the same deep-seated urges within me propelling me towards the unknown.
It's a feeling that can envelop you entirely, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.
When you listen to the call of your soul, it is not a fleeting thought or a momentary whim.
Things get loud.
It takes all the space in the room.
It is a persistent pull that tugs at the heart, demanding a leap of faith.
This is what we call the Love-Led Leap at Sacred Business Flow.
While it might look irrational to others on the outside, it's far from a reckless jump into the unknown.
It is a conscious decision to follow the heart, to trust life, and to embrace a path that will never make sense to the practical, logical mind.
I believe there comes a point in each of our lives where we remember what it feels like to breathe in alignment with our purpose.
This memory, often buried deep within us, is awakened by our soul's calling.
It is a reminder of who we are at our core, of what truly matters to us, and of the life we yearn to live.
For me, this began to strongly come online following my recovery and healing from nearly a decade of chronic illness.
Things didn't shift immediately, but I can see now looking back that the seeds of change were planted when I declared I was no longer willing to live anything other than an amazing life, one filled with passion, purpose, and anchored in love.
The fear of the unknown, of letting go of what we know, can be overwhelming.
But in these moments, it is important to see the simple truth that we are never acting alone.
Life is with us, supporting us, guiding us, and encouraging us to take the leap.
The love-led leap is not just about taking a step forward, it's about a refusal to accept anything less than the actualization of our dreams.
It's about believing in ourselves, in our purpose, and in our capacity to lean into what's whispering to us from that place of stillness.
It's about answering our soul's calling, no matter what.
When we take the love-led leap, we are choosing to live our lives authentically.
We are choosing to deeply feel every emotion, to experience every moment, and to embrace every opportunity that comes our way.
And in doing so, we begin to find that there is no other way to live.
When you tap into your strength, your courage, and your faith, you'll begin to feel an internal guidance system taking over.
And while choosing to live this way may be filled with obstacles and uncertainties, it is through leaning into the resistance that we cultivate the capacity to experience immense joy, profound growth, and an overflowing abundance of love.
Guided by this love, we collapse time as we continue to leap from stepping stone to stepping stone that appear along the pathway through the fog.
And as we find our footing rooted in this new way of trusting life, this is when we truly come alive.
It is in this leap that we answer our soul's calling.
It is in this leap that we find our true selves.
And it is in this leap that we realize that every single day, in every single way, we are exactly where we need to be.
Sending Love.
Be the Flow Coaching has one remaining spot for an April start!
We are looking for entrepreneurs who are ready to take the Love-Led Leap to build their business by getting out of their heads and into their hearts.
Whether you have reached a plateau in your business, or are looking to create something new, you are looking to grow!
Do you feel like you know what you SHOULD be doing, but you just can’t seem to take the next logical step? Maybe you’ve read all the books, taken the courses, but you still find yourself plateaued in your business, or getting stuck, not knowing what actions are going to create the next level of success you desire?
You don’t have to sacrifice success in the name of creating from a place of true authenticity and inspiration.
While giving your business all the attention it requires, you’ll also be invited to take a higher perspective where we’ll help shine a light on how the most divinely inspired version of YOU will experience massive personal expansion.
When that most powerful version of you shows up authentically, creatively and powerfully in alignment to a plan for action, this is when real magic begins to happen.
You’ll be supported in creating a new relationship with your business, so that you can experience a true abundance of time, money, and freedom. We’ll take a deep dive into your Business Harmony Map™, and create a structured plan for working with the fundamental frequencies that are most seeking balance. We’ll also leverage the strengths of the frequencies most in harmony to help create fast traction.
Anchored on a foundation of clarity that feels really good, we’ll help you create a winning business strategy guaranteed to get you unstuck and will hold you accountable to creating real momentum forward.
As you work your personalized plan, we will also provide you with physical and emotional support so you can learn how to manage your own energy and see the power of a structured plan when combined with well-balanced energy.
So often we underestimate the power of emotions and find ourselves taking action out of frustration. While it may feel like there is a sense of progress in the short-term, there is a big difference between action for action’s sake and truly inspired action.
You’ll learn to recognize and honor all emotions, tap into a limitless source of energy, and fine-tune your internal guidance system for powerful decision making.
Carolina and I have space for one more client to start in April for this 6-month journey with us!
Join us for a Harmony Map Discovery Call
Haven’t taken the quiz yet? You can do so here.
Who We Are Celebrating:
Mike Hill
I originally met Mike at a Superhero Academy Mastermind event back in about 2017 in Costa Rica. It was one of the most pivotal events in my entrepreneurial career. I remember immediately being struck by not only how smart of a marketer he was, but his depth as a human, with a huge loving heart.
We've stayed in touch over the years, but this week he came to visit my friend Ed here in Ciudad Colon, and we were able to reconnect in person.
Grateful for his insights on life, and generous sharing of his gifts with interpreting the Cards of Your Destiny system.
Here is What I Want to Share This Week:
Cards of Your Destiny (link)
I believe in synchronicity and these books have been showing up a lot in my life right now. First in Austin, and then when I learned that my friend Mike hill was a very gifted interpreter of this system.
Cards of your destiny is a complete system, and perhaps one of the most accurate ones ever for learning to read your destiny, and that of others. It's also a beautiful way of learning more about how we relate to others.
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Paths of Initiation Course (link)
I recently became aware of Michael Mead's work, and I've been fascinated about this idea of initiation and how it shows up at significant times in life.
This course explores the topic in detail including ideas like:
- Archetypal patterns of initiation that underlie and sustain the dynamics of transformation.
- Stepping onto the path of initiation means that there is no going back. On the path of transformation, there can be no way back to the self-identity or sense of life we had before.
- Initiation involves entering a threshold where we can gather enough tension and momentum to push ourselves to the next stage of our life.
- Initiation rites offer an opportunity for a rebirth, an inner labor and essential struggle through which a second birth occurs.
- When enough people awaken to the inherent purpose and meaning in their own lives, a collective initiation can also occur and shift the level of meaning and the course of history.
Love is My New Normal (Link)
It's time to get your and talk to the Love Bot ...
Memorable Quote:
"Life is change and the life of the soul is transformation. An initiation involves entering a threshold where we can gather enough tension and momentum to push ourselves to the next stage of our life. In that sense, initiation not only means taking a new step on the road of life, but also undergoing a complete change of life." - Michael Meade