006: Be The Change You Wish to See in the World

Hi Friend!
It might sound a bit crazy, but today, I want to invite you into the future.
Imagine a world where we trust each other, ourselves, and the whole of our life experience.
Envision a place where collaboration is prized over competition and respect for each other is a given. Picture a world where we work together for the common good.
Everything begins with our imagination and, as Napoleon Hill says, if you believe it, you can achieve it.
I know it's hard to look around and see lots of injustice and violence, and believe we could live in a world where we can fully trust others.
However, if we don't begin to believe that, it will never be possible.
I have worked in the corporate world for over 15 years, and I've always had very strong opinions about it. I used to judge the business world as if it were a compartment separate from the rest of life, and this is just not right.
The business world is just a reflection of our own consciousness, like everything else. It's so obvious, but for whatever reason, it wasn't clear to me.
No matter if you work in the corporate world or if you are a business owner, the time you spend working is sacred. If you think about it, we spend long hours fulfilling our roles, and a big chunk of our life happens in the "work interactions."
Why not hold this time as precious, conscious, and working in favor of your personal evolution?
My business is my co-creation with the Universe.
I like to say that it is not mine, I am just the vehicle that brought this idea into life, but it doesn't belong to me.
I am serving.
It's so powerful to think and act from this premise, I find myself immersed in a sense of tranquility, creativity and the courage to leap into the unknown.
I am convinced that the personal and professional aspects of my life are deeply connected. The energy I bring to my work significantly influences my physical being. It impacts my health, my mindset, my very essence.
So, why not transform your business into something sacred?
This isn't just business - it's a profound journey of personal evolution.
I realized how much of my life has been dedicated to work, going all the way back to grade school, university, coursework, and then the actual time spent working.
I don't think I could live any other way than making my work sacred, and I invite you to reflect upon your own choices too, can you afford to not make your business sacred?
When I invited you to imagine my version of the future with me, I asked you to imagine a state of trust.
I not only invite you to envision a world where we can trust others, but to imagine a world where you can fully trust life!
How many business ideas and goals have you given up because of the fear that it wouldn't work? Or the thought that you would fail?
What if there was a world where we feel free to try things out? Just for the fun of it?
A world where there is no attachment to having to get things right...
... where you know failure is a construction of your mind and you enjoy experimenting and bringing your deepest desires and wild dreams into form!
Well, I stand firm in my belief in this world, and it is my responsibility to embody that.
Nobody will give me permission or tell me I am allowed to live life on my own terms.
Nobody will tell me that my work in this world is meant to be a work of love.
It's really up to me to decide that and follow my own path.
It's up to me to turn my business sacred and live a life that is in flow and free.
Your life and your expression of how you spend your time creating in business is your choice.
"Whether you believe you can or cannot, you are right." - Henry Ford.
So now it's up to you, what do you choose?
Lots of cool things happening right now!
New Radiant Flow Onboarding Series
They are meant to make it easier for new students to understand some of the practices we do in our embodiment classes together.
The intention is to provide additional value to our members. By understanding what you do and why you do it, you can increase your attentiveness and become more mindful of your experiences.
Online Workshop at Fearless Living Academy
I am also excited to share with you I'll be offering a workshop on "Becoming Unstoppable," in the Fearless Living Academy towards the end of October. I had the opportunity to meet Leo Babauta in Costa Rica, and I fell in love with his work. His teachings are truly beautiful.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Me and Phil :)
This week I want to celebrate me and Phil!
For our friendship and our new partnership!
We have been working together for a while and our work relationship has been evolving since then.
We have lots of values in common and similar ambitions in relation to the world we want to build.
I am very excited about Sacred Business Flow, a project built from love and oneness.
It's powerful and fun.
I am very proud of myself for choosing my values and dreams over any limitations and fear I might have.
Thanks Phil for joining me in this great Adventure!
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
Looking for an amazing opportunity to join me in Costa Rica?
Come explore the art, ecstasy & energetics of crafting a life-changing offer you can’t wait to sell
I would love to invite you to join me in a beautiful opportunity to come down to Costa Rica to relate with your work and business in a different way.
I'll be facilitating and offering many practices during this event, all in service to helping you create new offers that are:
- Soul-Expanding for You
- Life-Changing For Your Audience
- Boundary-Pushing For Your Industry
- In Sacred Service to Something Bigger
You will find the perfect environment for creativity and support for all your new endeavors.
This retreat will happen in Costa Rica, Playa Grande from February 22-26th, 2024.
Attendance will be limited to 15 participants so be sure to check it out here.
Memorable Quote:
With Love,